Nowadays ,there are many real estate web sites that are equipped with real estate forum. The forums are indeed a very important feature of the internet today as it form the platform where users of internet all over the world are able to participate in a discussion on certain issue. But the forums are actually more than a discussion platform, it is also a place where user can find advice or solution to his particular problem. In the process of all those daily discussion, participants leave behind many threads which form a vast database when the forum has been running for a long time and whenever a user has a certain question which he need an answer, first before posting question over the forum, he can actually search the forum with the key words, who knows, someone may have ask the same question before and all threads related to the key word will be presented and possibly with the answer he needs. Thus the forum allow interaction between visitors of the real estate forum and enable them to share experience and opinion.
For the webmaster, it is a different ball game all together. Having a forum as a sub web to the main web such as having a real estate forum in addition to the real estate web site increase the activities at the overall web site as if the forum is popular then users will come back again and again and possibly also invite their friends to join the forum. The increase activities means having more pages for the search engine to index and thus help to improve search ranking in the internet. Moreover in practical sense, the participant also help to build content for the web site without much effort from the webmaster and webmaster can tap on vast knowledge of many participants to offer view, advice or solution to any particular real estate problems.
In addition, webmaster can also choose to participate in forum set up by others. A real estate webmaster can participate in other real estate forum to gain knowledge and at the same time build back link to his own real estate web site as users are usually allowed to enter their web address in the profile as well as the signature which is shown with each and every posting of his.
Thus the forum allow borderless interaction beyond people that users practically know and at the same time offer various benefit for webmaster in marketing his web site to the world which is flooded with billion of web pages.
Nov 11, 2006
Real Estate Forum
Nov 6, 2006
Chicken and egg story in real estate development
Gone are the days when developer can expect to sell most of their houses right after launches and before actual construction commence on site. This is as oppose to previous peaks in economy when properties are snapped up even before construction even begin. Many developers especially those new developers who are just starting out would sure hope to sell their units before construction so that the project is effectively financed by the purchasers which will then very much lessen their financial burden and this especially apply to those new developers without track record who were not able to secure bridging loan to finance their construction.
Most developers especially new developer purchase their development land using bank finance and there are interest payment to meet every month. While some may say that they prefer to commence construction after they sell certain number of units but the situation today may not be favourable especially for those new developer without track record as potential purchasers may prefer to wait until the construction begin and until at least the sample house is ready or at least wait until construction is way over 50% or 60% completed so as to lower their risk before actually commit their hard earn cash to purchase the house. So if the developer wait for sale before begin on construction and while potential purchase wait for construction before committing to buy, then there will would be very little sale materialise while the cost of developer rise every month with the interest served on the land purchase loan. Hence it is like there ought to be an egg before there would be a chicken and without chicken, there would not be an egg.
Therefore, it is imperative that new developers focus on speeding up on construction and forget about sale for the time being and when construction reach a certain threshold, sale will materialise.
Nov 3, 2006
Market your real estate web site by writing articles
Setting up a real estate web site is easier than most people think. A real estate web site with portal, classifieds, blog, real estate directory, article directory & forum can be set up in a matter of days.
But what is the use if no body know of the existence of your web site. After completing the web site, there is always satisfaction that finally one is able to be part of ever booming cyberspace where news and articles everywhere suggested that there are indeed great earning potential, moreover not being in the web is kind of strange these days, many people have their own blog or for that matter blogs. However reality soon set in, sitting in front of the computer, checking the various statistic generated by the server provider or the script you have inserted into your web page, can be a very frustrating affair as suddenly you find to your horror that nobody or not many people are vi sting the beautify web site or the best web site you claimed to have built in your lifetime, the worst is that you may find that majority of the traffic to your site is none other than yourself.
So, no wonder there are so many web sites out there that try to outdo each other by offering the best tips in SEO, short for search engine optimisation, meaning that web site has to be optimised for the many search engine out there that determine the life and death of your web site. If your web site is consistently being shown at the front page of the search results of the major search engine for the targeted key words, then you can be rest assured that you may have your fair share of success with your web site. But then how do we ensure that our web site will be returned in the search results instead of other web sites, the main method is to improve the search ranking of your web site by increasing the back link to your web site or simply known as link popularity.
The most common method is to trade link with other web sites or simply to submit your link to directories but you only get one back link for each effort and it is unknown if the back link that you have obtained will still be linking to you six months down the road. The method which most SEO advocate now is the writing of articles and submit them to article directories. By writing good articles, there is a good chance that your articles may be adopted by other webmasters as additional quality content for their web sites, as all users of article directory are required to use the article in its original state which include a resource box which usually contain the link to the authors' web site and when one article you have written is used by 100 webmasters, then you have 100 one way back links and yes that is leveraging effect being exploited to the fullest in building back links. So instead of spending a lot of time carrying out the tedious link trading, why not sit back and write one good real estate article and submit it to a real estate article directory and begin the journey of building back link in a more effective way.