Sep 25, 2007

Is a flat flat world

Thomas L Friedman in his book "The world is flat" demonstrate the changing world toward globalisation where people from one part of the world could collaborate with another person at another part of the world to achieve something that could never be done before and at such efficiency and low cost which was not possible in an unflattened world. One of the infrastructure that make all that possible is none other than the internet.

It is with the availability of affordable broadband that prompt us to think that more people will eventually use the internet to search for their choice property or to advertise their properties for sale or for rent. It has been more than 2 years since our real estate web site went live and looking back, the flattened world has made all that possible.

Even this particular web site alone is also a form of collaboration between two parties world apart. While provided the server, web address & software to make this blog possible, we provided the content. When this blog is up and running, more collaboration take place in the form of pay per click advertising where we again work with google to display the advertisement in our web site, the script of advertising is provided by google and by inserting the scripts into our web site, the advertisement goes into auto pilot where advertisement related to content of this web site will be automatically shown.

The pay per click advertising programme, the Adsense programme allow us to earn a US dollar income to sustain the maintenance of our other real estate web sites , below is a copy of the the very first cheque that we received.

The Adsense programme further reinforced the various possibilities in the process of the world flattening where people from one part of the world such as in Asia or in Malaysia in this particular case is able to earn a US dollar income by collaborating with another party in the America and the astonishing part is that the two collaborating parties have never met in real life.

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