Jul 31, 2007

Buying additional car park when purchasing condo unit

Most condominium units are packaged with a minimum of two car parks or more if the unit is big in built-up area but the majority of the condo units that are for sale by developers today come packaged with only two car parks for each unit. For most of the project, developer usually plan additional car parks either to be used as visitor car parks or waiting to be sold to those interested to purchase additional car park. Purchasing of car park can be also a form of investment if the car park allocated is two or less for each unit. Even at current time, two car parks may not be sufficient for some family with more than two cars which are rather common today. Therefore if one has additional car park, the car park can also be rented out to those who need additional car park. Good new is owning additional car park does not resulted in additional maintenance charges as the monthly maintenance charges is computed based on built-up area of the condo unit. Thus having additional car provide additional avenue for one to earn additional rental income without too much financial commitment. A note of caution though, if the car parks allocated for each unit is more than two then renting out the car park may not be feasible.

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