Jul 19, 2007

Things to note when buying highrise condo (part IV) - car parks

Condominium for sale from developer especially those high end condominium is packaged with a minimum of two car parks as accessory parcel to the sale & purchase agreement. The car parks are already allocated for each unit of condo unit before the sale and when one is buying a condo, always ask for the car park layout to ensure that you like the car parks location as much as you like that particular condo unit. The two or three car parks allocated are usually in the same location, usually side by side. Recently a friend has purchased a condo unit and she forgot to check the car park layout and she later found out that her two car parks are separated by the car park ramp. Not a big deal though but may be important for those who like their cars to be parked side by side. An attempt to change the car park location after signing of sale & purchase agreement is rather difficult or should I say next to impossible as every single car park would have been allocated to a condo unit.

As car parks are key component to condo living, be very sure you like the car park location too before you sign above the dotted line.

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